A Career in Social Psychology

A Career in Social Psychology The primary focus of Social Psychology is to understand how individuals affect others by their behaviors and the way they understand themselves and their own positions in the society. The most common areas of study are persuasion, stereotyping, group interactions,… Read More

American Psychological Association

American Psychological Association The American Psychological Association is the biggest and leading scientific and professional organization indicating psychology in the United States of America. It is the world’s largest association for the psychologists and it is comprised of members around 1, 34,000 researchers, and clinicians,… Read More

Clinical Psychology Careers

Clinical Psychology careers Psychology today, is one of the most rewarding subject as a career. The clinical psychology is a branch of psychology where you’ve to face the real life challenges and problems of individuals and families while applying your knowledge in psychology. The problems… Read More

Criminal Psychology Careers

Criminal Psychology Careers These are violent times. Men have turned into beasts, and murder and rapes have become the order of the day. The philosophers say that the gods have become angry and they will destroy humankind. But the practical mind calls for immediate measures… Read More