Health Psychology Journal

The journal of Health psychology was first published in 1996 and its managing editor is David Marks. The journal of health psychology was created and developed to research on the health psychology from the outlook of empirical, critical analysis and qualitative studies. It mainly covers on… Read More

Types of Psychology

Psychology is nothing but the study of the individual’s mental functions and behaviours. The study of psychology is done by the individual called as psychologist; the psychologist may be social, behavioural or cognitive scientist. There are different types of psychology according to the study involved in… Read More

Social Psychology Jobs

What is Social Psychology? Social Psychology is the scientific study of the many different ways in which people think, feel, and act in the presence of other imaginary or real people surrounding them. Generally, it is seen that most of the people act in a… Read More

Psychology Billing Software

Psychology is a stream of science without any proper definition. All the doctors and medical practitioners dealing with such kinds of patients have to be full of mirth and deliver warmth and love. Different people have different thought processes and as a result, there are… Read More